2019年8月13日,比利时自行车手比约格·兰布雷切特葬礼举行。2019年8月5日,第76届环波兰自行车赛在进行第三赛段从霍茹夫到扎布热的竞逐时,22岁的比利时乐透车队车手比约格·兰布雷切特中途发生事故,最终抢救无效去世。August 13, 2019, Knesselare, Belgium: Knesselare, Belgium - August 13 : Religious ceremony during the funeral ceremony of young cyclist Bjorg Lambrecht in the Sint-Willibrordus church in Knesselare on August 13, 2019 in Knesselare, Belgium, 13/08/2019. Bjorg Lambrecht was a talented young cyclist who rode for the Lotto - Soudal cycling team. He died on 5 August 2019 after crashing into a concrete culvert during the third stage of the 2019 Tour de Pologne in Rybnik.
2019年6月4日晚,约翰松不幸去世,享年89岁。伦纳特·约翰松担任欧足联主席、国际足联副主席的约翰松为欧洲乃至世界足球做出了巨大的贡献,推动了欧冠和欧洲杯的成功改制,因此在2007年入选瑞典足球名人堂。图为2019年6月6日,2019年欧洲国家联赛半决赛,葡萄牙3:1胜瑞士,现场为约翰松默哀。June 5, 2019 - Porto, Porto, Portugal - Honorary to President Lennart Johansson with one minute of silece at the start of the UEFA Nations League Finals at Dragon Stadium in Porto, Portugal.